Get ₦10,000 for 1 Month Instantly for Your Urgent Needs

BlockaCash is your go-to instant loan app in Nigeria for immediate relief. Need ₦10,000 today? Apply now and enjoy the fastest service available.

Excited young woman in a pink sweater holding and pointing at her smartphone.

Pick the Loan that's Just Perfect for You

Small loans for quick fixes or bigger ones for bold moves. Choose what works for you.

Smiling man in a bucket hat.

Never run out of funds.

Have a pressing issue and need quick cash? Blocka Cash has got you covered. Fund your financial needs instantly!

Why Blockacash?

  • Get loans with ease

    It's as simple as signing up, setting up your profile, applying for a loan and, getting the funds you need.

  • Meet your financial goals

    Apply for a loan that meets your needs and get it disbursed into your wallet directly.

  • Fast and convenient

    No long queues, forms or protocols. Do all you need to, from the comfort of your smartphone.

Smiling man giving thumbs up.